Number | Author | Alternate names | Wikipedia | Notes | Bibliography | |
1 | 25 | Edwin Dunkin | view |
Revision of Hand-Book of Astronomy by Dionysius Lardner The Midnight Sky. Familiar Notes on the Stars and Planets Observations of the Total Eclipse of the Sun of July 28, 1851, at Christiania, Norway On the movement of the solar system in space deduced from the proper motions of 1,167 stars On some peculiar instances of personal equation in zenith-distance observations Comparison of the probable error of a Transit of a Star, observed with the Transit-circle of the Royal Observatory On the frequent omission of readings of the barometer and thermometer in sextant observations, for the determination of terrestrial latitudes and longitudes On the estimated number of luminous particles contained within a defined space on the Sun's disk On the probable error of a meridional transit observation Observations of the transit of Mercury on the morning of November 5, 1868 On personality in observing transits of the limbs of the Moon with the Transit-circle and Altazimuth instruments, at the Royal Observatory Determination of the Geographical Positions of Stations in the route from Zanzibar to Gondokoro, from astronomical observations made by Capt. J. H. Speke Determination of the Geographical Positions of Stations in Eastern Africa, from the astronomical observations made by Mr. J. Petherick Determination of the Geographical Positions of Stations in Western Africa, from astronomical observations made by Mr. P. B. Du Chaillu, during his journey into Ashango Land On the Total Eclipse of the Sun of August 17–18, 1868 A Day and Night in the Royal Observatory The Earth Weighed in the Harton Coal-pit Memoir of G. B. Airy, Astronomer Royal West of Killarney ; a Descriptive Account of the Western District of Co. Kerry, Ireland The Face of the Moon Notes on Recent Storms Memoir of Sir J. F. W. Herschel On Total Eclipses of the Sun London Fogs On Far-off Vision A Star on Fire Coloured Raia and Snow On the Eclipses visible in Great Britain in 1867 Comets and Meteors and Solar Spots On the Severe Frost of January Comets and Meteors On Periodical Meteors Memoir of Sir Wm. Herschel On the Nautical Almanac The Midnight Sky at London On Far-off Vision How far off is the Sun? Rose-coloured Solar Protuberances The Midnight Sky of the Southern Hemisphere On Aerolites and Bolides On the Observatories in the Southern Hemisphere Dolly Pentreath. Notes and Queries |