Bibilioteca Astronomica Logo
Number Book ID Author Title Date Language C S
1 2 A. Grignon Cosmographie 1901 French
2 628 A. J. Lebegyinszkij A csillagok világában 1949 Hungarian
3 358 A. T. Lawton A Window in the Sky 1979 English
4 565 Abbé Th. Moreux Éléments de Cosmographie 1923 French
5 580 Adam Hart-Davis, Paul Bader The Cosmos 2007 English
6 359 Adrian Berry The Giant Leap 1999 English
7 75 Adrian Berry The Iron Sun 1979 English
8 37 Alain Mazure, Stéphane Basa Exploding Superstars 2009 English
9 105 Alan Boss The Crowded Universe 2009 English
10 674 Alan H. Guth The Inflationary Universe 1997 English
11 510 Alastair I. M. Rae Quantum Mechanics 1992 English
12 98 Albert Einstein Relativity 1979 English
13 496 Allan Chapman Gods in the Sky 2002 English
14 198 Almár Iván Kozmikus társkereső 2011 Hungarian
15 206 Almár Iván A SETI szépsége 1999 Hungarian
16 280 Almár Iván Jövőnk és a világűr 1987 Hungarian
17 718 Almár Iván, Galántai Zoltán Ha jövő, akkor világűr 2007 Hungarian
18 108 Almár Iván, Horváth András űrhajózási lexikon 1984 Hungarian
19 78 Amir Aczel Probability 1 2000 English
20 512 Amir Aczel God's Equation 2000 English
21 561 Amir D. Aczel Entanglement 2003 English
22 655 André Brahic A Nap gyermekei 2001 Hungarian
23 427 Andrew L. Bender SlipString Drive 2015 English
24 690 Andrew May Destination Mars 2017 English
25 54 Andrew Norton Quarks to Quasars 2008 English
26 106 Anil Ananthaswamy The Edge of Physics 2010 English
27 103 Ann Finkbeiner A Grand and Bold Thing 2010 English
28 686 Anne Rooney How the World Works Astronomy 2019 English
29 436 Anthony Aveni Stairways to the Stars 1997 English
30 87 Anthony Fairall Cosmology Revealed - Living Inside the Cosmic Egg 2001 English
31 17 Antonín Rükl A Hold atlasza 2012 Hungarian
32 216 Antonín Rükl A Hold atlasza 2011 Hungarian
33 450 Antonín Rükl A Guide to the Stars, Constellations, and Planets 2000 English
34 473 Arnaud Berquin Astronomie pour la jeunesse 1852 French
35 374 Arthur C. Clarke The Snows of Olympus 1995 English
36 251 Arthur P. Norton Norton's Star Atlas 1988 English
37 4 Arthur R. Hinks Astronomy 1919 English
38 117 Arthur Willink The World of the Unseen 1893 English
39 364 August Ferdinand Möbius Astronomie 1916 German
40 622 Avi Loeb Földönkívüli 2021 Hungarian
41 154 B. A. Voroncov-Veljaminov A világmindenség 1951 Hungarian
42 172 Bagdi Zoltán Ősrobbanások 2002 Hungarian
43 140 Balogh László Csillagászati és űrkutatási fogalomtár, adattár c.1996 Hungarian
44 274 Barcza Szabolcs A csillagok élete 1979 Hungarian
45 250 Barrie W. Jones, Robert J. A. Lambourne, David A. Rothery Images of the Cosmos 2002 English
46 179 Barrie W. Jones, Robert J. A. Lambourne, David A. Rothery Images of the Cosmos 1999 English
47 127 Barry Chapman Reverse Time Travel 1996 English
48 57 Barry Parker Colliding Galaxies 1990 English
49 24 Bartha Lajos A csillagképek története és látnivalói 2009 Hungarian
50 173 Berkes Péter Égi utazók 1983 Hungarian
51 389 Bernard le Bovier de Fontenelle Pluralité des Mondes 1829 French
52 700 Bernard Lovell Astronomer by Chance 1990 English
53 652 Berndt Müller A csillagászat alapjai 1977 Hungarian
54 408 Bill Liller, Ben Mayer The Cambridge Astronomy Guide 1985 English
55 317 Bob Berman Zoom 2014 English
56 704 Bonnie J. Buratti Worlds Fantastic, Worlds Familiar 2017 English
57 688 Brian Cox, Andrew Cohen Human Universe 2014 English
58 349 Brian Cox, Andrew Cohen Wonders of the Universe 2011 English
59 242 Brian Cox, Jeff Forshaw The Quantum Universe: Everything That Can Happen Does Happen 2011 English
60 661 Brian Greene The Hidden Reality 2011 English
61 51 Brian Greene The Fabric of the Cosmos 2005 English
62 55 Brian Greene The Elegant Universe 2000 English
63 56 Brian Greene The Elegant Universe 1999 English
64 641 Brian Harpur The Official Halley's Comet Book 1985 English
65 303 Brian Jones Night Sky Identifier 1998 English
66 592 Brian May, Patrick Moore, Chris Lintott Bang! 2006 English
67 294 Brockhampton Reference Dictionary of Astronomy 1995 English
68 669 Bruce Dorminey Distant Wanderers 2002 English
69 662 Bruce Jakosky The Search for Life on Other Planets 2002 English
70 487 Bryan Milner Cosmology 1995 English
71 462 C. R. Kitchin Telescopes and Techniques 1995 English
72 326 Camille Flammarion Astronomy for Amateurs c.1903 English
73 363 Camille Flammarion Contemplations Scientifiques 1870 French
74 366 Camille Flammarion Petite Astronomie Descriptive 1907 French
75 390 Camille Flammarion Astronomie Populaire (Tome 1) 1880 French
76 93 Camille Flammarion Astronomy 1914 English
77 215 Camille Flammarion Les Comètes et les Ètoiles c.1890 French
78 381 Carl Sagan Cosmos 1980 English
79 568 Carl Sagan Billions and Billions 1997 English
80 559 Carole Stott I Wonder Why Stars Twinkle 1993 English
81 459 Carolyn Collins Petersen, John C. Brandt Hubble Vision 1996 English
82 460 Carolyn Collins Petersen, John C. Brandt Hubble Vision 1998 English
83 64 Charles A. Whitney The Discovery of Our Galaxy 1972 English
84 209 Charles A. Whitney A Tejútrendszer felfedezése 1978 Hungarian
85 213 Charles A. Young The Elements of Astronomy 1894 English
86 666 Charles Frankel Volcanoes of the Solar System 1996 English
87 110 Charles Seife Alpha and Omega 2003 English
88 685 Chris Hadfield You Are Here 2014 English
89 186 Christian Friedmann A világegyetem 1974 Hungarian
90 563 Christopher C. Fulton (ed.), Martin Kokus (ed.) The Galileo of Palomar 2017 English
91 671 Christopher Potter You are Here 2009 English
92 689 Christopher Potter The Earth Gazers 2017 English
93 296 Christopher Richard Kitchin Journeys to the Ends of the Universe 1990 English
94 345 Christopher Richard Kitchin Astrophysical Techniques 1991 English
95 578 Clifford A. Pickover The Physics Book 2011 English
96 66 Clyde W. Tombaugh, Sir Patrick Moore Out of Darkness - The Planet Pluto 1980 English
97 310 Colin Humphrey The Amateur Astronomer's Pathfinder 1992 English
98 466 Craig Callender, Ralph Edney Introducing Time 2001 English
99 482 Craig J. Hogan The Little Book of the Big Bang 1998 English
100 275 Csaba György Gábor Kalandozás az égbolton 1987 Hungarian
101 30 Csaba György Gábor Búvár zsebkönyvek: Égitestek 1989 Hungarian
102 48 Csaba György Gábor, Marik Miklós, Racskó György Ifjú csillagászok kézikönyve 1991 Hungarian
103 630 Csató István A kozmosz partján 1963 Hungarian
104 201 Dala László Csillagtüzek a Földön 1960 Hungarian
105 623 Daniel Whiteson, Jorge Cham Halványlila gőzünk sincs 2017 Hungarian
106 35 Darren Bushnall Observing the Deep Sky c.2005 English
107 637 Dava Sobel The Planets 2005 English
108 497 David A. Hardy, Patrick Moore 50 Years in Space 2006 English
109 375 David A. Rothery Teach Yourself Planets 2009 English
110 454 David Baker Astronomy 1978 English
111 468 David Blair, Geoff McNamara Ripples on a Cosmic Sea 1997 English
112 560 David Bodanis E=mc2 2000 English
113 83 David Clark Superstars 1979 English
114 190 David Cortner, Nancy L. Hendrickson Eight Easy Observing Projects 1996 English
115 292 David Darling Deep Time 1989 English
116 368 David H. Levy Observing Variable Stars 1989 English
117 370 David H. Levy Comets: Creators and Destroyers 1998 English
118 372 David H. Levy The Quest for Comets 1995 English
119 434 David H. Levy Book of the Cosmos 2000 English
120 670 David H. Levy Guide to Eclipses, Transits, and Occultations 2010 English
121 116 David L. Goldstein, Judith R. Goldstein Feynmans Lost Lecture 1997 English
122 77 David Layzer Cosmogenesis 1991 English
123 231 David Levy Skywatching 1995 English
124 516 David Lindley Where Does the Weirdness Go? 1997 English
125 518 David M. Harland Water and the Search for Life on Mars 2005 English
126 534 David M. Harland Universe 2019 English
127 254 David Malin A View of the Universe 1993 English
128 270 David Malin, Paul Murdin Colours of the Stars 1984 English
129 340 David McNab, James Younger The Planets 1999 English
130 433 David Whitehouse One Small Step 2009 English
131 465 David Whitehouse The Moon 2001 English
132 400 Dennis Overbye Lonely Hearts of the Cosmos 1991 English
133 126 Desmond King-Hele Observing Earth Satellites 1983 English
134 597 Detre László Üzenetek a világűrből 1939 Hungarian
135 475 Dieter B. Herrmann Az égbolt felfedezői 1981 Hungarian
136 543 Dirk Schulze-Makuch, David Darling We Are Not Alone 2010 English
137 474 Donald Goldsmith Nemezis 1990 Hungarian
138 33 Donald Goldsmith Supernova 1990 English
139 76 Donald Goldsmith Einsteins Greatest Blunder? 1997 English
140 109 Donald H. Menzel Csillagászat 1984 Hungarian
141 324 Donald W. Horner Horner`s Easy Astronomy 1922 English
142 440 Dr Raman Prinja Wonders of the Planets 2006 English
143 722 dr. Balázs Béla, ifj. Bartha Lajos, dr. Marik Miklós Csillagászattörténet 1982 Hungarian
144 697 Dr. Becky Smethurst Space 2019 English
145 289 Dr. Bitó János, Sinka József Utak a kozmoszba 1970 Hungarian
146 642 Dr. Bozóky Endre Kosmografia c.1900 Hungarian
147 651 Dr. Darvai Móricz Üstökösök és meteorok 1888 Hungarian
148 260 Dr. Erich Übelacker A Nap 1992 Hungarian
149 613 Dr. Hédervári Péter A naprendszeren innen és túl 1983 Hungarian
150 200 Dr. Horváth András, Szalma Sándor A Halley-üstökös 1985 Hungarian
151 648 Dr. Horváth Árpád A távcső regénye 1988 Hungarian
152 145 Dr. Hudoba György Terkán Lajos élete és munkássága 1996 Hungarian
153 749 Dr. Johann Müller Lehrbuch der Physik - Kosmischen Physik 1856 German
154 747 Dr. Julius Scheiner Népszerű asztrofizika 1916 Hungarian
155 148 Dr. Kelemen János Csillagászati gyakorlatok 1984 Hungarian
156 731 Dr. Kulin György A kis csillagász távcsöve 1961 Hungarian
157 609 Dr. Kulin György Csillagászat 1972 Hungarian
158 657 Dr. Kulin György, Róka Gedeon A nagy világmindenség 1961 Hungarian
159 728 Dr. Marik Miklós, Ponori Thewrewk Aurél Modern csillagászati világkép 1969 Hungarian
160 694 Dr. Patrick Moore, Dr. Allan Chapman Patrick Moore s Millennium Yearbook 2000 English
161 678 Dr. Peter J. Smith, Dr. P. M. Kelly, Jerry van Andel Bolygónk születése 1986 Hungarian
162 679 Dr. Peter J. Smith, Dr. Philip Allen, Dr. John Catt, John Downes, Dr. Stephen Drury, Andrew Goudie, Dr. John Gribbin, J. L. Knill Földünk élete 1991 Hungarian
163 614 Dr. Szabóné Zavaczki Andrea Csillagászat 2003 Hungarian
164 625 Dr. Wodetzky József Üstökösök 1910 Hungarian
165 647 Dr. Wodetzky József Tájékozódás a csillagos égen 1936 Hungarian
166 653 Dr. Wodetzky József A világegyetem szerkezete 1927 Hungarian
167 643 Dr. Wonaszek A. Antal Astronomia 1902 Hungarian
168 483 ed. Jeremy Webb Nothing 2013 English
169 6 Edwin Dunkin The Midnight Sky c.1879 English
170 92 Emily Lyle Archaic Cosmos 1990 English
171 373 Emily Winterburn The Stargazer's Guide 2008 English
172 271 Emmanuil Jakovlevics Vilkoviszkij A rejtélyes kvazárok 1988 Hungarian
173 567 Emmeline Plunket Calendars and Constellations of the Ancient World 1997 English
174 607 Engelbert Broda A világmindenség erői 1956 Hungarian
175 65 Ernest Agar Beet Mathematical Astronomy for Amateurs 1972 English
176 562 Eugène Catalan Notions d'Astronomie 1880 French
177 376 Eugène Rosary Le Ciel, la Terre et les Mers 1874 French
178 585 F. David Peat Superstrings 1991 English
179 564 F. G. L. Greßler Himmel und Erde 1887 German
180 297 F. Graham Smith Radio Astronomy 1974 English
181 479 F. Ristenpart Kleine Sternkunde c.1910 German
182 502 Felix Pirani, Christine Roche Introducing The Universe 2006 English
183 682 Flammarion Camille Népszerű Csillagászattan I.kötet 1888 Hungarian
184 683 Flammarion Camille Népszerű Csillagászattan II.kötet 1888 Hungarian
185 616 Flammarion Kamill Újabb csillagászati olvasmányok 1897 Hungarian
186 719 Florian Freistetter Az univerzum története 100 csillagban elmesélve 2021 Hungarian
187 279 Fodor L. István Az ember és a kozmosz 1980 Hungarian
188 143 Fodor L. István Földön kívüli élet 1984 Hungarian
189 572 Francis Dreer Space Conquest 2009 English
190 339 Francis Graham-Smith, Bernard Lovell Pathways to the Universe 1988 English
191 569 Francis Jackson, Patrick Moore Life in the Universe 1987 English
192 480 Frank Close End 1988 English
193 489 Frank Close The Cosmic Onion 1990 English
194 319 Frank Close Lucifer's Legacy 2000 English
195 701 Frank Wilczek The Lightness of Being 2009 English
196 469 Fred Alan Wolf Parallel Universes 1991 English
197 241 Fred Hoyle The Intelligent Universe 1983 English
198 377 Fred Hoyle Energy or Extinction? 1979 English
199 202 Fred Hoyle Stonehenge-től a modern kozmológiáig 1978 Hungarian
200 224 Fred Hoyle Comet Halley 1985 English
201 584 Fred Hoyle Ten Faces of the Universe 1977 English
202 63 Fred Hoyle, Chandra Wickramashinge Life Cloud 1979 English
203 328 Fred Hoyle, Chandra Wickramasinghe Evolution from Space 1981 English
204 495 Fred Hoyle, Chandra Wickramasinghe Our Place in the Cosmos 1996 English
205 62 Fred Hoyle, John Elliot A for Andromeda 1969 English
206 380 Fred Schaaf Seeing the Deep Sky 1992 English
207 712 Frei Zsolt, Patkós András Inflációs kozmológia 2005 Hungarian
208 119 Gabriele Vanin Cosmic Phenomena 1999 English
209 107 Galambos Tibor Emberek a világűrben 1975 Hungarian
210 602 Galambos Tibor A világűr képekben 1983 Hungarian
211 263 Galileo Galilei Párbeszédek 1983 Hungarian
212 247 Garry Hunt, Patrick Moore Saturn 1982 English
213 725 Gáspár Kornél Rétegek és szférák 1918 Hungarian
214 120 Geoffrey Briggs, Frederic Taylor The Cambridge Photographic Atlas of the Planets 1988 English
215 232 George Greenstein Frozen Star c.1983 English
216 549 George O. Abell, David Morrison, Sidney C. Wolff Realm of the Universe 1988 English
217 248 George Smoot, Keay Davidson Wrinkles in Time 1993 English
218 86 Gerald North Mastering Astronomy 1988 English
219 488 Gerald North Advanced Amateur Astronomy 1991 English
220 691 Gerald North Observing the Solar System 2012 English
221 699 Gerald North Astronomy in Depth 2003 English
222 356 Gerald S. Hawkins Mindsteps to the Cosmos 1983 English
223 135 Gerencsér Ferenc Meteorológiai, csillagászati, földrajzi értelmező szótár c.2000 Hungarian
224 745 Gian Francesco Giudice Prima del Big Bang 2024 Italian
225 184 Gideon Riegler Der Amateurastronom c.1906 German
226 638 Giles Sparrow Traveller's Guide to the Solar System 2006 English
227 709 Giles Sparrow Milyen alakú a világűr? 2019 Hungarian
228 392 Giles Sparrow The Planets 2008 English
229 393 Giles Sparrow Atlas of the Constellations 2008 English
230 394 Giles Sparrow The Universe in 100 Key Discoveries 2012 English
231 397 Giles Sparrow The Stargazer's Handbook 2007 English
232 398 Giles Sparrow The Universe and How to See It 2001 English
233 449 Giles Sparrow Constellations 2013 English
234 687 Giunti Editorial Group Atlas of the Skies 2003 English
235 160 Gordon Kane Supersymmetry 2000 English
236 711 Guido Tonelli Genezis 2021 Hungarian
237 724 Guman István Dogon mitológia és csillagászat 2006 Hungarian
238 70 Gunther D. Roth The Astronomer & His Telescope 1972 English
239 13 H. Percy Wilkins, Sir Patrick Moore Making and Using a Telescope 1962 English
240 16 Halton Christian Arp A Catalogue of Southern Peculiar Galaxies and Associations I 1987 English
241 34 Halton Christian Arp Seeing Red c.2012 English
242 196 Halton Christian Arp Catalogue of Discordant Redshift Associations 2003 English
243 20 Halton Christian Arp, Brechner, Burbidge & al. High Energy Astrophysics 1974 English
244 740 Hans Reichenbach Atom és világegyetem c. 1944 Hungarian
245 525 Harald Fritzsch Quarks 1986 English
246 338 Heather Couper, Nigel Henbest Space Encyclopedia 1999 English
247 41 Heather Couper, Nigen Henbest The Stars c.1988 English
248 203 Hédervári Péter A Hold fizikája 1962 Hungarian
249 261 Hédervári Péter Csillagunk: a Nap 1980 Hungarian
250 262 Hédervári Péter Üstököskutatás az űrkorszakban 1983 Hungarian
251 282 Hédervári Péter Amiről a Hold mesél... 1969 Hungarian
252 734 Hédervári Péter Képes csillagvilág 1984 Hungarian
253 600 Hédervári Péter Ismeretlen (?) Naprendszerünk 1986 Hungarian
254 288 Hédervári Péter, Marik Miklós, Pécsi Tibor A Vénusz és a Mars ostroma 1976 Hungarian
255 150 Hegedűs Tibor & al. Csillagászat Baján 1998 Hungarian
256 636 Heinz Mielke Út a végtelenbe 1958 Hungarian
257 428 Hermann Bondi Cosmology 2010 English
258 618 Hoffmann Ernő A csillagos ég 1923 Hungarian
259 478 Hoimar v. Ditfurth A Világegyetem gyermekei 1973 Hungarian
260 73 Horváth Árpád A végtelen világegyetem 1963 Hungarian
261 158 Horváth Árpád Csillagnézők 1961 Hungarian
262 267 Horváth Árpád, Nagy István György A csillagok felé c.1977 Hungarian
263 717 Horváth Dezső A Higgs-bozon 2017 Hungarian
264 266 I. M. Halatnikov, S. A. Yanovskaya, V. V. Kazyutinskiy, G. I. Naan, M. E. Omelyanovskiy Végtelenség és világegyetem 1974 Hungarian
265 631 I. Sz. Sklovszkij Világegyetem, élet, értelem 1976 Hungarian
266 426 Iain Nicolson Stars and Supernovas 2001 English
267 234 Iain Nicolson The Space Atlas 1992 English
268 551 Ian Marshall, Danah Zohar Who's Afraid of Schrödinger's Cat? 1997 English
269 571 Ian Ridpath Book of the Universe 1991 English
270 576 Ian Ridpath The Times Universe 2004 English
271 45 Ian Ridpath Oxford Dictionary of Astronomy 2003 English
272 342 Ian Ridpath Collins Encyclopedia of the Universe 2001 English
273 383 Ian Ridpath Astronomy (Eyewitness Companions) 2006 English
274 509 Ian Ridpath, Wil Tirion The Monthly Sky Guide 2003 English
275 573 Ian Ridpath, Wil Tirion Collins Guide to Stars and Planets 1984 English
276 713 Ifj. Dr. Xántus János A tengerfenéktől a csillagokig 1961 Hungarian
277 149 ifj. Gazda István, Marik Miklós Csillagászattörténeti ABC 1986 Hungarian
278 388 Igor Novikov Black Holes and the Universe 1990 English
279 311 Isaac Asimov A robbanó Napok 1987 Hungarian
280 100 Isaac Asimov The Universe 1983 English
281 166 Isaac Asimov The Sun Shines Bright 1984 English
282 650 Isaac Asimov Útikalauz 1992 Hungarian
283 624 Isabelle Bourdial A világűr és a Világegyetem 2002 Hungarian
284 680 Ismeretlen Legyél te is csillagász! 2016 Hungarian
285 146 J. A. Bartu Ahnerts Kalender für Sternfreunde 1989 1988 German
286 237 J. B. Sidgwick, James Muirden Observational Astronomy for Amateurs 1982 English
287 137 J. C. Houzeau A csillagászat története 1889 Hungarian
288 333 J. C. Niemeyer, J. W. Truran Type Ia Supernovae: Theory and Cosmology 2000 English
289 182 J. Chris Blades, David Turnshek, Colin A. Norman QSO Absorption Lines 1988 English
290 579 J. Craig Wheeler Cosmic Catastrophes 2000 English
291 334 J. G. Hirsch, D. Page Nuclear and Particle Astrophysics 1998 English
292 58 J. Hedley Robinson, James Muirden Astronomy Data Book 1979 English
293 210 J. I. Perelman A végtelen csillagvilág c.1950 Hungarian
294 3 J. Norman Lockyer Astronomy 1874 English
295 536 J. P. McEvoy, Oscar Zarate Introducing Stephen Hawking 2002 English
296 404 J. Richard Gott Time Travel in Einstein's Universe 2001 English
297 9 J. Silas Evans Seryddiaeth a Seryddwyr 1923 Cymraeg (Welsh)
298 501 J.P. McEvoy, Oscar Zarate Introducing Quantum Theory 2004 English
299 382 Jack Newton, Philip Teece The Guide to Amateur Astronomy 1995 English
300 121 Jack Newton, Philip Teece The Cambridge Deep-Sky Album 1983 English
301 417 Jacqueline Mitton A Concise Dictionary of Astronomy 1991 English
302 192 Jagjit Singh Modern Cosmology 1970 English
303 53 James Cornell Bubbles, Voids and Bumps in Time: the New Cosmology 1991 English
304 424 James D. Stein Cosmic Numbers 2011 English
305 423 James E. Lidsey The Bigger Bang 2000 English
306 11 James Ferguson Astronomy 1809 English
307 155 James Jeans A csillagos ég titkai 1943 Hungarian
308 656 James Jeans A világegyetem 1933 Hungarian
309 486 James Muirden The Cosmic Verses 2006 English
310 129 James Muirden The Amateur Astronomer s Handbook 1987 English
311 335 James Muirden Sky Watcher's Handbook 1993 English
312 453 James Muirden Astronomy with a Small Telescope 1989 English
313 695 James Olstein Spectacular Space 2019 English
314 71 James S. Pickering 1001 Questions Answered about Astronomy 1975 English
315 138 James Stanley Hey Rádiócsillagászat 1976 Hungarian
316 304 James Trefil Other Worlds 1999 English
317 419 Jamey L. Jenkins The Sun and How to Observe It 2009 English
318 88 Jane Gregory Fred Hoyles Universe 2005 English
319 476 Janice VanCleave Csillagászat 1994 Hungarian
320 739 Jánossy Lajos Kozmikus sugárzás 1954 Hungarian
321 369 Jayant Vishnu Narlikar The Lighter Side of Gravity 1996 English
322 52 Jayant Vishnu Narlikar Violent Phenomena in the Universe 1984 English
323 125 Jayant Vishnu Narlikar The Primeval Universe 1988 English
324 163 Jayant Vishnu Narlikar The Structure of the Universe 1990 English
325 178 Jayant Vishnu Narlikar Seven Wonders of the Cosmos 1999 English
326 684 Jayant Vishnu Narlikar, Geoffrey Burbidge Facts and Speculations in Cosmology 2008 English
327 612 Je. I. Parnov A végtelenek keresztútján 1971 Hungarian
328 365 Jean Bosler L'Évolution des Étoiles 1923 French
329 621 Jean-Pierre Maury Galilei, a csillagok hírnöke 1991 Hungarian
330 115 Jean-Pierre Verdet The Sky - Order and Chaos 1992 English
331 703 Jean-René Roy Unveiling Galaxies 2018 English
332 492 Jeff Kanipe The Cosmic Connection 2009 English
333 245 Jeffrey Kluger Journey Beyond Selene 1999 English
334 557 Jennifer Ouellette Black Bodies & Quantum Cats 2006 English
335 526 Jeremy Bernstein Cranks, Quarks and the Cosmos 1997 English
336 240 Jim Bell Mars 3-D 2008 English
337 692 Jim Bell (ed.), Jacqueline Mitton (ed.) Asteroid Rendezvous 2002 English
338 26 Joachim Hermann SH atlasz: Csillagászat 1992 Hungarian
339 635 Joachim Herrmann Hamis világképek 1966 Hungarian
340 223 Joanne Baker 50 Universe Ideas You Really Need to Know 2010 English
341 90 Joao Magueijo Faster than the Speed of Light 2003 English
342 278 Johann Dorschner A bolygók - a Föld testvérei? 1980 Hungarian
343 277 Johannes Dorschner Van-e élet a Földön kívül? 1975 Hungarian
344 582 John Boslough Masters of Time 1992 English
345 67 John C. Brandt, Stephen P. Maran New Horizons in Astronomy 1972 English
346 541 John C. Mather, John Boslough The Very First Light 1988 English
347 414 John Cox Philip's Pocket Star Atlas 2000 English
348 293 John D. Barrow The World within the World 1988 English
349 295 John D. Barrow Theories of Everything 1991 English
350 316 John D. Barrow The Universe that Discovered Itself 2000 English
351 437 John D. Barrow Impossibility 1999 English
352 438 John D. Barrow New Theories of Everything 2008 English
353 472 John D. Barrow The Artful Universe Expanded 2005 English
354 499 John D. Barrow Between Inner Space and Outer Space c.1999 English
355 521 John D. Barrow The Infinite Book 2005 English
356 527 John D. Barrow The Constants of Nature 2003 English
357 529 John D. Barrow The Book of Universes 2011 English
358 530 John D. Barrow The Origin of the Universe 1994 English
359 531 John D. Barrow Pi in the Sky 1992 English
360 532 John D. Barrow Cosmic Imagery 2008 English
361 168 John D. Barrow The Book of Nothing 2001 English
362 528 John D. Barrow, Joseph Silk The Left Hand of Creation 1984 English
363 660 John Davies Beyond Pluto 2001 English
364 420 John Farndon 1000 Facts on Space 2001 English
365 305 John Gribbin Space Our Final Frontier 2001 English
366 331 John Gribbin In the Beginning 1994 English
367 341 John Gribbin The Case of the Missing Neutrinos 2000 English
368 395 John Gribbin The Birth of Time 1999 English
369 448 John Gribbin In Search of Superstrings 2007 English
370 471 John Gribbin Q is for Quantum 2002 English
371 537 John Gribbin The Omega Point 1988 English
372 555 John Gribbin In Search of Scrödinger's Cat 1991 English
373 583 John Gribbin In Search of the Multiverse 2009 English
374 587 John Gribbin The Universe 2008 English
375 640 John Gribbin Timewarps 1979 English
376 79 John Gribbin In Search of SUSY 1998 English
377 91 John Gribbin White Holes 1977 English
378 95 John Gribbin Companion to the Cosmos 1997 English
379 159 John Gribbin In Search of the Edge of Time 1992 English
380 189 John Gribbin In Search of the Big Bang 1986 English
381 218 John Gribbin Watching the Universe 1998 English
382 415 John Gribbin, Marcus Chown Double Planet 1988 English
383 315 John Gribbin, Martin Rees Cosmic Coincidences 1991 English
384 175 John Gribbin, Martin Rees The Stuff of the Universe 1995 English
385 336 John Gribbin, Mary Gribbin Stardust 2001 English
386 538 John Gribbin, Mary Gribbin How Far is Up? 2003 English
387 548 John Gribbin, Simon Goodwin Origins 1997 English
388 50 John Guy Astronomy 1862 English
389 157 John H. Mallas, Evered Kreimer A Messier-album 1985 Hungarian
390 344 John Keith Davies Cosmic Impact 1986 English
391 350 John Man The Encyclopedia of Space Travel and Astronomy 1979 English
392 329 John McLeish Cosmology 1993 English
393 401 John Scalzi The Rough Guide to the Universe 2003 English
394 550 John Taylor When the Clock Struck Zero 1993 English
395 89 John Taylor Black Holes: the End of the Universe? 1974 English
396 668 Jonathan I. Katz The Biggest Bangs 2002 English
397 566 José Comas Solá Astronomía 1943 Spanish
398 619 Josef Klepešta, Antonín Rükl Csillagképek atlasza 1975 Hungarian
399 523 Joseph Silk On the Shores of the Unknown 2005 English
400 355 Joseph Silk The Infinite Cosmos 2006 English
401 386 Joszif Szamuilovics Sklovszkij Csillagok 1975 Hungarian
402 49 Jules Pichot Cosmographie élémentaire 1891 French
403 299 Julian Barbour The End of Time 1999 English
404 286 Jurij Nyikolajevics Jefremov A világmindenség mélységeiben 1978 Hungarian
405 312 Karl Otto Kiepenhauer A Nap 1967 Hungarian
406 664 Kate Charlesworth, John Gribbin The Cartoon History of Time 1990 English
407 714 Katie Mack A mindenség vége 2022 Hungarian
408 544 Keith Holliday Introducing Astronomy 1999 English
409 318 Ken Croswell Planet Quest 1999 English
410 253 Kenneth Gatland The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Space Technology 1989 English
411 378 Kenneth Glyn Jones, David A. Allen, Edmund S. Barker Webb Society Deep-Sky Observer's Handbook: Planetary and Gaseous Nebulae 1979 English
412 442 Kent Wallace Visual Observations of Planetary Nebulae 2017 English
413 134 Kereszturi Ákos Csillagászat 1999 Hungarian
414 136 Keszthelyi Sándor, Sragner Márta Napfogyatkozás és honfoglalás 2000 Hungarian
415 327 Kevin Krisciunas To the Edge of the Universe 1986 English
416 81 Kevin Randle, Russ Estes Spaceships of the Visitors 2000 English
417 348 Kitty Ferguson Prisons of Light: Black Holes 1996 English
418 464 Kitty Ferguson Measuring the Universe 1999 English
419 265 Klaus Lindner A csillagos ég 1974 Hungarian
420 360 Klaus M. Schittenhelm Csillagképek 2017 Hungarian
421 287 Kőháti Attila Az űrkutatás a Föld szolgálatában 1979 Hungarian
422 649 Korda András, Tolnai Domonkos Ez a mi Napunk 2000 Hungarian
423 593 Krasznai István Bolygóvilágunk csodálatos titkai 1989 Hungarian
424 588 Kristen Lippincott Eyewitness Astronomy 2004 English
425 617 Kulin György Távcsőtükör házi készítése 1970 Hungarian
426 14 Kulin György A távcső világa 1941 Hungarian
427 29 Kulin György Hogyan készítsünk távcsövet, mikroszkópot? 1962 Hungarian
428 72 Kulin György Az ember és a világmindenség 1963 Hungarian
429 153 Kulin György Mit mondanak a csillagok? 1976 Hungarian
430 28 Kulin György, Kolozsvári György Színes világegyetem 1965 Hungarian
431 152 Kulin György, Róka Gedeon A világegyetem 1965 Hungarian
432 212 Kulin György, Róka Gedeon A távcső világa 1980 Hungarian
433 156 L. A. Gilberg Az ég meghódítása 1979 Hungarian
434 581 L. E. Lewis Jr. Our Superstring Universe 2003 English
435 490 L.-B. Francoeur Uranographie 1821 French
436 21 Lambert Spix, Frank Gasparini Der Moonhopper 2011 German
437 632 Lasovszky Károly (ed.), Réthly Antal (ed.) Csillagászati és meteorológiai lexikon 1940 Hungarian
438 645 Lassovszky Károly Világrendszerek 1929 Hungarian
439 514 Laurence Bergreen The Quest for Mars 2000 English
440 387 Laurie John (editor) Cosmology Now 1974 English
441 406 Lawrence Krauss The Fifth Essence 1989 English
442 422 Lee Smolin The Trouble with Physics 2006 English
443 112 Lee Smolin The Life of the Cosmos 1997 English
444 729 Lenz János Az egek hirdetik 1936 Hungarian
445 102 Leslie Alan Horvitz Night Sky Tracker 2006 English
446 451 Linda S. Sparkle, John S. Gallagher Galaxies in the Universe 2000 English
447 435 Lisa Randall Warped Passages 2006 English
448 505 Lisa Randall Knocking on Heaven's Door 2011 English
449 222 Lloyd Motz, Carol Nathanson The Constellations 1991 English
450 281 Lothar Hitziger Tüzes nyilak a világűrben 1961 Hungarian
451 22 Louie Stowell, Peter Allen A csillagászat és az űr története 2009 Hungarian
452 101 Lucy Hawking, Stephen Hawking George s Cosmic Treasure Hunt 2009 English
453 629 Ludovico Geymonat Galileo Galilei 1961 Hungarian
454 269 Ludvík Soucek A betlehemi csillag nyomában 1973 Hungarian
455 707 M. R. Wright Cosmology in Antiquity 1996 English
456 118 M. T. Bizony The New Space Encyclopedia 1969 English
457 276 Makra Zsigmond Űrhajózás holnapután 1986 Hungarian
458 507 Malcolm S. Longair The Origins of our Universe 1991 English
459 519 Marcus Chown What a Wonderful World 2013 English
460 85 Marcus Chown The Universe Next Door 2001 English
461 167 Marcus Chown Afterglow of Creation 1993 English
462 188 Marcus Chown We Need to Talk about Kelvin 2009 English
463 193 Marcus Chown The Magic Furnace 1999 English
464 220 Marcus Chown Quantum Theory Cannot Hurt You 2007 English
465 291 Marcus Chown The Never-Ending Days of Being Dead 2007 English
466 416 Marcus Chown, Govert Shilling Tweeting the Universe 2011 English
467 147 Marik Miklós Helyünk a világmindenségben 1989 Hungarian
468 515 Marina Benjamin Rocket Dreams 2003 English
469 542 Mario Livio The Accelerating Universe 2000 English
470 535 Mark A. Garlick The Expanding Universe 2002 English
471 233 Mark A. Garlick Astronomy: A Visual Guide 2004 English
472 634 Mark Littmann, Ken Willcox, Fred Espenak Napfogyatkozás a maga teljességében 1999 Hungarian
473 484 Mark R. Chartrand III Amateur Astronomy Pocket Skyguide 1984 English
474 673 Martin Cohen In Darkness Born 1988 English
475 520 Martin Gardner The Ambidextrous Universe 1991 English
476 522 Martin Gardner Are Universes Thicker than Blackberries? 2003 English
477 165 Martin Gorst Aeons 2002 English
478 39 Martin Mobberley Supernovae and How to Observe Them 2007 English
479 217 Martin Rees Before the Beginning 1997 English
480 321 Martin Rees Just Six Numbers 1999 English
481 396 Martin Rees Our Cosmic Habitat 2003 English
482 746 Martyn Page (ed.), Cathy Meeus (ed.), Steve Setford (ed.), Scarlett O'Hara (ed.) Stelle 2020 Italian
483 606 Marx György Jövőnk az univerzum 1969 Hungarian
484 590 Mary Gribbin, John Gribbin Time & Space 1997 English
485 702 Matt Brown Everything You Know About Space is Wrong 2018 English
486 663 Matt Littmann Planets Beyond 1988 English
487 362 Maurice Fouché Le Ciel 1921 French
488 715 Max Planck Válogatott írásai 2010 Hungarian
489 441 Michael E. Bakich The Cambridge Planetary Handbook 2000 English
490 385 Michael H. Gorn Superstructures in Space 2008 English
491 219 Michael Hawkins Hunting Down the Universe 1997 English
492 42 Michael Hoskin A csillagászat története 2004 Hungarian
493 174 Michael Marten, John Chesterman The Radiant Universe 1980 English
494 498 Michael Pauls, Dana Facaros The Travellers Guide to Mars 1997 English
495 84 Michael Riordan, David Schramm The Shadows of Creation 1993 English
496 144 Michael Rowan-Robinson Kozmikus tájkép 1990 Hungarian
497 481 Michael Rowan-Robinson Ripples in the Cosmos 1993 English
498 665 Michael Shallis On Time 1983 English
499 27 Michael White Galilei, az antikrisztus 2010 Hungarian
500 97 Michael White, John Gribbin Stephen Hawking - A Life in Science 1992 English
501 208 Michael White, John Gribbin Stephen W. Hawking - Élete a tudomány 2000 Hungarian
502 111 Michael Zeilik Astronomy - The Evolving Universe 1997 English
503 130 Michał Rusinek Kopernikusz 1973 Hungarian
504 82 Michio Kaku Hyperspace 1999 English
505 197 Michio Kaku Párhuzamos világok 2009 Hungarian
506 524 Michio Kaku, Jennifer Thompson Beyond Einstein 1999 English
507 151 Miroslav Plavec A csillagok világa 1965 Hungarian
508 727 Mizser Attila Változócsillag katalógus 1991 Hungarian
509 595 Nagy Ernő Az űrkutatás eredményei 1964 Hungarian
510 751 Nagy István György Űrhajózás 1981 Hungarian
511 258 Nagy István György A Hold kapujában 1969 Hungarian
512 25 Neal Eltinge Howard Handbook for Telescope Making 1970 English
513 244 Neil Bone Philip's Observer's Handbook: Meteors 1993 English
514 379 Neil Bone Philip's Deep Sky Observer's Guide 2013 English
515 447 Neil Bone Observing Meteors, Comets, Supernovae 1999 English
516 455 Neil Bone Mars Observer's Guide 2003 English
517 431 Neil deGrasse Tyson Terítéken a világegyetem 2018 Hungarian
518 432 Neil deGrasse Tyson Ha felfal egy fekete lyuk 2017 Hungarian
519 743 Neil F. Comins Mi lenne a Földön, ha...? 1994 Hungarian
520 243 Nicolas Cheetham Universe 2008 English
521 589 Nigel Calder Einstein s Universe 1990 English
522 513 Nigel Henbest Planets 1996 English
523 264 Nigel Henbest The Night Sky 1992 English
524 187 Nigel Henbest Observing the Universe 1984 English
525 191 Nigel Henbest The Exploding Universe 1979 English
526 169 Nigel Henbest, Heather Couper Extreme Universe 2001 English
527 337 Nigel Henbest, Michael Marten The New Astronomy 1983 English
528 18 Nigel Ingham Astrophysics 1997 English
529 552 Open University Our World and its Atoms 1998 English
530 553 Open University The Quantum World 2002 English
531 554 Open University Building with Atoms 2002 English
532 323 Ormsby MacKnight Mitchel Popular Astronomy 1860 English
533 133 Otto Heckmann Csillagok, kozmosz, világmodellek 1983 Hungarian
534 183 P. Barrieu Dix Leçons de Cosmographie 1898 French
535 421 P. J. E. Peebles Principles of Physical Cosmology 1993 English
536 744 P. Klushantsev What does the telescope say? 1972 Gujarati
537 446 P.C.W. Davies (ed.), Julian Brown (ed.) Superstrings 1991 English
538 730 Papp Dezső Élet a csillagokon 1945 Hungarian
539 122 Patrick Moore Exploring the Night Sky with Binoculars 1986 English
540 230 Patrick Moore The Observer's Year 1998 English
541 508 Patrick Moore Fireside Astronomy 1992 English
542 558 Patrick Moore The Stars 1996 English
543 238 Patrick Moore The Guiness Book of Astronomy 1995 English
544 239 Patrick Moore Patrick Moore on the Moon 2001 English
545 298 Patrick Moore Our Universe 2007 English
546 302 Patrick Moore Patrick Moore on Mars 1998 English
547 409 Patrick Moore Countdown! 1983 English
548 411 Patrick Moore The Data Book of Astronomy 2000 English
549 412 Patrick Moore The Astronomy Encyclopedia 1987 English
550 413 Patrick Moore Astronomy for the Under Tens 1991 English
551 439 Patrick Moore Brilliant Stars 1997 English
552 456 Patrick Moore Explorers of Space 1986 English
553 658 Patrick Moore, Iain Nicolson A Nap és bolygói 1992 Hungarian
554 256 Patrick Moore, Ian Nicolson A világűr titkai 1992 Hungarian
555 546 Paul Chambers Life on Mars 1999 English
556 132 Paul Couderc A csillagászat története 1964 Hungarian
557 80 Paul Davies The Last Three Minutes 1994 English
558 99 Paul Davies Other Worlds 1990 English
559 180 Paul Davies The Edge of Infinity 1983 English
560 181 Paul Davies The Accidental Universe 1990 English
561 211 Paul Davies A megbundázott világegyetem 2008 Hungarian
562 221 Paul Davies The Goldilocks Enigma 2006 English
563 225 Paul Davies The Eerie Silence 2010 English
564 313 Paul Davies The Cosmic Blueprint 1989 English
565 314 Paul Davies About Time 1995 English
566 322 Paul Doherty Atlas of the Planets 1980 English
567 425 Paul Hodge Higher than Everest 2001 English
568 611 Paul Labérenne A világok keletkezése 1949 Hungarian
569 246 Paul Murdin, David Allen, David Malin Catalogue of the Universe 1979 English
570 40 Paul Murdin, Lesley Murdin Supernovae 1985 English
571 470 Paul Parsons How to Destroy the Universe 2011 English
572 603 Paul Porchon Cours de Cosmographie 1884 French
573 407 Paul Raeburn Uncovering the Secrets of the Red Planet: Mars 1998 English
574 503 Paul Strathern Hawking & The Black Holes 2009 English
575 504 Paul Strathern Bohr & Quantum Theory 2010 English
576 639 Paul Stratten Galileo & the Solar System 2009 English
577 418 Paul Sutherland Astronomy 2011 English
578 748 Péch Aladár, Tass Antal, Loczka Alajos, Róna Zsigmond, Hoffmann Ernő, Ballenegger Róbert, Kéz Andor Ég és Föld 1930 Hungarian
579 591 Peter Bond Space 1999 English
580 255 Peter Cardogan From Quark to Quasar 1985 English
581 485 Peter Coles Cosmology 2001 English
582 706 Peter Coveney, Roger Highfield The Arrow of Time 1990 English
583 59 Peter Duffett-Smith Astronomy with Your Personal Computer 1986 English
584 60 Peter Duffett-Smith Practical Astronomy with Your Calculator 1992 English
585 123 Peter Francis The Planets 1981 English
586 204 Peter Francis A bolygók 1988 Hungarian
587 467 Peter Grego Moon Observer's Guide 2003 English
588 352 Peter Lancaster Brown Astronomy in Colour 1979 English
589 506 Peter Ryan, Ludek Pesek Solar System 1978 English
590 61 Peter Woit Not Even Wrong 2007 English
591 351 Piers Bizony 1001 Wonders of the Universe 2011 English
592 599 Ponori Thewrewk Aurél A Halley-üstökös nyomában 1986 Hungarian
593 741 Ponori Thewrewk Aurél Mi és a Világmindenség 1974 Hungarian
594 750 Prof. Dr. Samuel Oppenheim Das astronomische Weltbild im Wandel der Zeit 1912 German
595 259 Prof. Heinz Haber A csillagok 1990 Hungarian
596 601 Prof. I. F. Polák A mindenség szerkezete 1949 Hungarian
597 284 Prof. K. F. Ogorodnyikov Mi tartja a Földet? 1949 Hungarian
598 301 R. Mike Mullane Do Your Ears Pop in Space? 1997 English
599 517 R.A.S. Hennessey Worlds Without End 1999 English
600 249 Raman K. Prinja, Richard Ignace Understanding the Universe 2002 English
601 723 Raman Prinja 50 tény, amit tudnod kell a világűrről 2020 Hungarian
602 604 Rev. T. W. Webb, Margaret W. Mayall Celestial Objects for Common Telescopes Vol.1 1962 English
603 605 Rev. T. W. Webb, Margaret W. Mayall Celestial Objects for Common Telescopes Vol.2 1962 English
604 214 Richard A. Proctor The Orbs Around Us 1881 English
605 5 Richard Anthony Proctor The Expanse of Heaven 1905 English
606 113 Richard Cohen Chasing the Sun 2011 English
607 716 Richard Feynman QED 2020 Hungarian
608 68 Richard Knox Foundations of Astronomy 1979 English
609 384 Richard Learner Astronomy Through the Telescope 1982 English
610 104 Richard Morris Achilles in the Quantum Universe 1998 English
611 162 Richard Panek Seeing and Believing 2000 English
612 226 Richard Panek The 4 Percent Universe 2011 English
613 710 Richard Panek Mi a baj a gravitációval? 2020 Hungarian
614 31 Robert Burnham Csillagászat c.2005 Hungarian
615 236 Robert Burnham Children's Atlas of the Universe 2007 English
616 227 Robert Burnham Jr. Burnham's Celestial Handbook vol.1 1978 English
617 228 Robert Burnham Jr. Burnham's Celestial Handbook vol.2 1978 English
618 229 Robert Burnham Jr. Burnham's Celestial Handbook vol.3 1978 English
619 330 Robert Burnham, Alan Dyer, Jeff Kanipe Astronomy 2004 English
620 371 Robert Burnham, David H. Levy, et al Practical Skywatching 2006 English
621 705 Robert Garfinkle Star-Hopping 1997 English
622 346 Robert J. Nemiroff, Jerry T. Bonnell The Universe - 365 days 2003 English
623 164 Robert Jastrow Vörös óriások és fehér törpék 1973 Hungarian
624 36 Robert K. Buchheim The Sky is Your Laboratory 2007 English
625 185 Robert M. Hazen, Maxine Singer Why aren t Black Holes Black? 1997 English
626 320 Robert Osserman Poetry of the Universe 1995 English
627 547 Robert P. Kirshner The Extravagant Universe 2002 English
628 235 Robin Kerrod The Illustrated Guide to the Night Sky 1993 English
629 306 Robin Kerrod Hubble the Mirror on the Universe 2003 English
630 457 Robin Kerrod, Giles Sparrow The Way the Universe Works 2002 English
631 308 Robin Kerrod, Peter Lafferty The Universe & How it Works 1993 English
632 300 Robin Le Poidevin Travels in Four Dimensions 2003 English
633 461 Robin Scagell Stargazing with a Telescope 2004 English
634 403 Rocky Kolb Blind Watchers of the Sky 1999 English
635 533 Roger Blandford (ed.), David Gross (ed.), Alexander Sevrin (ed.) Astrophysics and Cosmology 2016 English
636 161 Roger John Tayler Galaxies: Structure and Evolution 1978 English
637 176 Roger John Tayler The Stars: their structure and evolution 1981 English
638 357 Roger Penrose Cycles of Time 2010 English
639 131 Róka Gedeon A csillagászat és mindennapi életünk 1968 Hungarian
640 644 Róka Gedeon A világegyetem megismerésének útjai és tévútjai 1964 Hungarian
641 654 Róka Gedeon, Kulin György Csillagászati kisenciklopédia 1969 Hungarian
642 285 Roland Omnés A világegyetem és átalakulásai 1981 Hungarian
643 405 Ron Miller, William K. Hartmann The Grand Tour 1993 English
644 696 Ronald Stoyan Atlas of Great Comets 2015 English
645 367 Rosemary Ellen Guiley Moonscapes 1991 English
646 540 Rudolph Kippenhahn 100 Billion Suns 1985 English
647 677 Ruth Martin, Allan Sanders A világűr 2016 Hungarian
648 586 Sally Kindberg, Tracey Turner History of Space 2009 English
649 626 Schalk Gyula Élet a Naprendszerben 1976 Hungarian
650 720 Schalk Gyula A planetárium 1975 Hungarian
651 726 Schalk Gyula Intelligencia a világegyetemben c. 1981 Hungarian
652 199 Schalk Gyula Planetárium és csillagászat 1977 Hungarian
653 399 Simon Goodwin Hubble's Universe 1996 English
654 458 Simon Goodwin, John Gribbin Deep Space 1999 English
655 268 Simon Mitton A nappali csillag 1986 Hungarian
656 646 Simon Mitton A Rák-köd 1983 Hungarian
657 252 Simon Mitton, Jacqueline Mitton Astronomy 1994 English
658 43 Simon Mitton, Jacqueline Mitton Bevezetés a csillagászatba 1991 Hungarian
659 32 Simon Newcomb Astronomy for Everybody 1903 English
660 94 Simon Singh Big Bang 2005 English
661 430 Simon V. László Farkas Bertalan - Az űrhajós 2015 Hungarian
662 594 Sinka József, Simonffy Géza A világűr küszöbén 1961 Hungarian
663 738 Sir Arthur Eddington A természettudomány új útjai c. 1934 Hungarian
664 194 Sir Bernard Lovell Emerging Cosmology 1985 English
665 46 Sir Harold Spencer Jones Life on Other Worlds c.1951 English
666 325 Sir Harold Spencer Jones General Astronomy 1923 English
667 171 Sir Patrick Moore Atlas of the Universe 2005 English
668 491 Sir Patrick Moore The Modern Amateur Astronomer 1995 English
669 1 Sir Robert Stawell Ball Time and tide c.1889 English
670 7 Sir Robert Stawell Ball The Story of the Sun 1905 English
671 8 Sir Robert Stawell Ball In the High Heavens 1920 English
672 10 Sir Robert Stawell Ball The Story of the Heavens 1910 English
673 12 Sir Robert Stawell Ball In Starry Realms 1904 English
674 38 Sir Robert Stawell Ball The Earths Beginning 1902 English
675 177 Sir Robert Stawell Ball Elements of Astronomy 1889 English
676 596 Stefan Heym A kozmosz korszaka 1960 Hungarian
677 667 Stefan Klein On the Edge of Infinity 2018 English
678 681 Stephanie Turnbull Nap, Hold és csillagok 2015 Hungarian
679 539 Stephen Baxter Deep Future 2002 English
680 47 Stephen H. Dole, Isaac Asimov Planets for Man 1965 English
681 19 Stephen Hawking Az idő rövid története c.2004 Hungarian
682 44 Stephen Hawking Black Holes and Baby Universes 1994 English
683 620 Stephen Hawking A Világegyetem dióhéjban 2016 Hungarian
684 732 Stephen Hawking, Leonard Mlodinow A nagy terv 2022 Hungarian
685 493 Stephen Hawking, Roger Penrose The Nature of Space and Time 1996 English
686 96 Stephen Welch Stardust - Our Cosmic Origins 2008 English
687 693 Steven J. Dick Discovery and Classification in Astronomy 2013 English
688 463 Steven S. Gubser The Little Book of String Theory 2010 English
689 74 Steven Weinberg The First Three Minutes 1978 English
690 207 Steven Weinberg Az első három perc 1982 Hungarian
691 672 Stuart Clark Is there Life on Mars? 2014 English
692 698 Stuart Clark Voyager 2010 English
693 354 Stuart Clark Life on Other Worlds and How to Find It 2000 English
694 402 Stuart Kauffman At Home in the Universe 1996 English
695 445 Stuart Malin Stars, Galaxies and Nebulae 1989 English
696 444 Sun Kwok Cosmic Butterflies 2001 English
697 735 Swante Arrhenius A világok keletkezése c. 1926 Hungarian
698 737 Sz. Vszehszvjatszkij, V. Kazjutyinszkij Világok születése 1963 Hungarian
699 272 Szécsényi-Nagy Gábor Túl a tejútrendszer határain 1976 Hungarian
700 273 Szécsényi-Nagy Gábor M45, azaz a Fiastyúk 1989 Hungarian
701 283 Szécsényi-Nagy Gábor Tájékozódás a csillagos égen 1979 Hungarian
702 477 Szécsényi-Nagy Gábor A Naprendszer parányai 1986 Hungarian
703 257 Szovjetunió Tudományos Akadémiája Első felvételek a Hold tulsó oldaláról 1960 Hungarian
704 139 Sztrókay Kálmán A kis csillagász 1942 Hungarian
705 615 Sztrókay Kálmán Az ember és a csillagok 1943 Hungarian
706 347 T. W. Hartquist, J. E. Dyson, D. P. Ruffle Blowing Bubbles in the Cosmos 2004 English
707 141 Taracsák Gábor A tejútrendszer 1991 Hungarian
708 575 Terence Dickinson, Alan Dyer The Backyard Astronomer s Guide 2001 English
709 574 Terry Hope Spacecam 2005 English
710 309 The Open University Universal Processes 2000 English
711 708 Theodore P. Snow The Dynamic Universe 1991 English
712 361 Thomas Dick The Solar System c.1854 English
713 500 Thomas R. Watters Planets 1995 English
714 570 Tim Furniss One Giant Leap 1998 English
715 429 Tim Peake Halló, a Földdel beszélek? 2018 Hungarian
716 307 Time-Life Galaxies 1989 English
717 353 Timothy Ferris Coming of Age in the Milky Way 1991 English
718 452 Timothy Ferris The Universe and Eye 1993 English
719 114 Timothy Ferris The Whole Shebang 1998 English
720 124 Timothy Ferris Galaxies 1982 English
721 205 Timothy Ferris A vörös határ 1985 Hungarian
722 675 Több szerző A világűr c.2020 Hungarian
723 676 Több szerző A Föld c.2020 Hungarian
724 170 Tom Wilkie, Mark Rosselli Visions of Heaven 1998 English
725 511 Tony Hey, Patrick Walters The Quantum Universe 1987 English
726 721 Tőrös István A csillagok útján 2020 Hungarian
727 733 Trinh Xuan Thuan Távoli világok 2023 Hungarian
728 577 Trinh Xuan Thuan The Changing Universe 1993 English
729 742 V. A. Ambarcumjan Az Univerzum kutatásának filozófiai kérdései 1980 Hungarian
730 610 Valerij Kubaszov A kozmosz érintése 1986 Hungarian
731 659 Varga Domokos, Varga András Rejtelmes világ 1990 Hungarian
732 15 Varga Domokos, Varga András Ég és Föld 1988 Hungarian
733 410 Vida Péter Az űr megismerése 2016 Hungarian
734 545 Vincent Cronin The View From Planet Earth 1981 English
735 23 Vizi Péter Csillagatlasz kistávcsövekhez 2009 Hungarian
736 69 Vizi Péter Csillagatlasz kistávcsövekhez 2008 Hungarian
737 290 Vlatislav Toman Készítsünk űrhajót! 1974 Hungarian
738 627 Voroncov-Veljaminoc Van-e élet a bolygókon? 1950 Hungarian
739 128 W. M. Baxter The Sun and the Amateur Astronomer 1973 English
740 736 Walter Widmann Rechts und links der Milchstraße 1968 German
741 195 Wayne Lee To Rise From Earth 2000 English
742 391 Will Gater, Giles Sparrow The Night Sky Month by Month 2011 English
743 343 William J. Kaufmann Universe 1994 English
744 142 William J. Kaufmann III Relativitás és kozmológia 1985 Hungarian
745 443 William K. Hartmann Cycles of Fire 1988 English
746 494 William Sheehan The Planet Mars 1996 English
747 598 Wlodzimierz Zonn, Elwira Milewska Csillagászat 1977 Hungarian
748 332 Zdeněk Kopal Man and his Universe 1972 English
749 608 Zerinváry Szilárd Nap, Föld, emberiség 1955 Hungarian
750 633 Zerinváry Szilárd A Naprendszer élete 1953 Hungarian
751 556 Ziauddin Sardar, Iwona Abrams Introducing Chaos 2002 English